Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I Can Balance My Hormones.

Post Written by Payal Singh.

In the last blog, I have written about Hormonal Imbalance. Here, I wrote some natural remedies to balance your hormonal harmony through diet and effective lifestyle that you can start trying today to get the result which will make you feel the best in a supportive yet inspiring way.

  • The benefits of balancing your hormones include:
  • Reverse infertility to get pregnant.
  • Prevent and cure acne.
  • Lose weight.
  • Improve sex drive.

1. Protein at Your Every Meal Keeps Your Hormones Healthy and Greens will keep you Evergreen!
Our food supply forms the building blocks for our hormones. In particular, we need to eat healthy fats and protein to produce healthy hormones. Always eat uncooked and unsalted nuts and seeds. Add to breakfast, and choose over crisps!
  • Eat fish 3 x per week.
  • Use olive oil on salads and coconut oil to cook with (adding food at the same time, so that the oil doesn’t overheat).
  • Use avocado and/or hummus as a base for your toast instead of butter or margarine.
  •  If you are going for dine out then choose bread with olive oil over fries, and fish dishes instead of meat.
  • If you are at the pub, choose bowls of nuts instead of crisps.

2. Your body needs healthy Fat. Why don’t you eat plenty Fatty Fish, Eggs white and Fiber?
  • Your body needs various types of fats to create hormones, including saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • These essential fundamental fats produce hormone in your body and keep inflammation levels low.
  • Healthy fats boost your metabolism and promote weight loss.
  • Healthy fats have the opposite effect of refined carbohydrates.
  • Salmon nutrition is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Your body needs steer clear from oils high in omega-6 fats come from sunflower, corn, cottonseed, canola, soybean and peanut.
  • There is a type of omega-6 fat that you must get in your diet called GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) supports having a healthy progesterone levels.
  • Load up on rich sources of natural omega-3s instead wild fish, flax seed, chia seeds, walnuts and grass-fed animal products.
  • Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and eating whole eggs as part of low-carb diet increased insulin sensitivity, improves several heart health markers.
  • You must consume a high fiber diet to improve your gut health and maintain your weight.
  • I call these my Detox Warriors! Cleansing, leafy greens such as spinach, Chard and kale, celery can help to cleanse your body and support the liver.

3. Keep Yourself Engage in Regular Exercise
  • For those with hormone imbalance, intense extended exercise can actually make the problem worse in the short term.
  • Sleep is much more important, at least during the balancing phase.
  • So focusing on relaxing exercises like walking or swimming and avoiding the extended running, cardio, and exercise videos, can help the body in the short term.
  • While extended cardio can be bad, short bursts of heavy lifting (kettle bells) can be beneficial since they trigger a cascade of beneficial hormone reactions.

4. Can anything be better Than a High-Quality Sleep?
a) Sleep may be among the most important factors for hormonal balance. 
b) Levels of some hormones may rise and fall throughout the day in response to issues such as the quality of sleep.
c) The adverse effects of sleep disturbance on hormones may contribute to Obesity, Diabetes, Problems with appetite.
d) Regularly getting a full, undisturbed, night's rest may help the body regulate hormone levels.
e) Avoid artificial lights may help regulate hormones and restore a natural circadian rhythm.
f) Exposure to blue light, such as from cell phones or computer screens, can disrupt the sleep cycle.

5.Learn to Manage Stress
a) Cortisol is known as "the stress hormone" because it helps your body cope with stress over the long term.
b) According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, internal emotions have a direct impact on a person’s health and addressing emotional imbalances, external factors and lifestyle choices can help to prevent health conditions associated with hormonal imbalances.
c) Emotions of fear, frustration cause disease in your reproductive organs, kidneys and adrenals, affecting cortisol levels. This can lead to serious conditions like PCOS and infertility and estrogen imbalance
d) Practicing meditation or healing prayer can be extremely beneficial, and so can deep breathing exercises, spending time outdoors and exercising every day with listing to music.
e) Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies like Acupuncture and massage can also help to improve hormonal balance, combat stress and improve blood flow.

6. Adaptogen Herbs for Your Hormonal Health.
Adaptogen herbs are a unique class of healing plants that promote hormone balance and protect the body from a wide variety of diseases, including those caused by excess stress. In addition to boosting immune function and combating stress, research shows that various Adaptogen — such as Ashwagandha, Medicinal Mushrooms, Rhodiola and Holy Basil — can improve thyroid function, lower cholesterol naturally, reduce anxiety and depression, reduce brain cell degeneration, stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels, support adrenal gland functions.
Ashwagandha benefits thyroid function by supporting a sluggish or overactive thyroid and it help to overcome adrenal fatigue.
Holy Basil
Holy Basil is also known as Tulsi helps to regulate cortisol levels, thereby working as a natural remedy for anxiety and emotional stress and also protect your organs.
Vitex/Chaste Tree Berry
Vitex nourishes the pituitary gland and helps lengthen the luteal phase.
Red Raspberry Leaf
Red Raspberry Leaf is a well know fertility herb that is also helpful in reducing PMS and cramping. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. It is available in capsule form, but makes an excellent hot or cold tea.

7. Take Supplement Wisely!
It’s sometimes necessary to supplement in order to fill nutritional voids that can be leading to a hormone imbalance. 
Evening primrose oil
Evening primrose oil contains omega-6 fatty acids helps to relieve premenstrual and PCOS symptoms. It also helps to create a healthy environment for conception.
Vitamin D
Sunshine is really the best way to optimize vitamin D levels because your bare skin actually makes vitamin D on its own when exposed to even small amounts of direct sunlight.
Bone Broth
Bone Broth contains healing compounds like collagen, proline, glycerin and glutamine, which have the powder to boost your overall health.
Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can actually improve your production and regulation of key hormones like insulin, ghrelin and leptin.
Women who use this often see improvements in fertility, reduction in PMS and better skin/hair. Maca is a good source of minerals and essential fatty acids which is one of the ways it supports hormone balance.

8. You Gonna Use Essential Oils!

To balance your hormones naturally, it’s important that you eliminate toxins in your body by avoiding conventional body care products that are made with potentially-harmful chemicals. A better alternative is to use natural products made with ingredients like essential oils, coconut oil, shea butter and castor oil. To replace toxic body care and cleaning products, use these hormone balancing essential oils

Clary sage Oil
  • Clary sage helps to balance estrogen levels because it contains natural phytoestrogens.
  • It can be used to regulate your menstrual cycle, relieve PMS symptoms, treat infertility and PCOS, and even reduce the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.
  • It also serves as a natural remedy for emotional imbalances, like depression and anxiety.
  • Diffuse 3-5 drops of clary sage to help balance hormone levels and relieve stress.
To ease cramps and pain, massage 5 drops of clary sage with 5 drops of coconut oil into your stomach and any other area of concern.

    Fennel Oil
  • Problems with your gut health have been found to cause autoimmune reactions, including thyroid disorders.
  • Use fennel essential oil to relax your body, improve your digestion and gut health, boost your metabolism and reduce inflammation.
  • You can rub 2 drops of fennel into your stomach or add 1-2 drops to a class of warm water or tea to take it internally.
Lavender Oil
  • Lavender oil promotes emotional balance, as it can help to treat anxiety, depression, moodiness and stress.
  • It can also be used to promote restful sleep, which will help to balance your hormone levels as well.
  • Diffuse 5 drops of lavender oil at home, add 5 drops to a warm water bath or apply 3 drops topically to your temples, back or neck or wrists.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
  • Sandalwood essential oil can be used to increase your libido, reduce stress, promote relaxation, boost mental clarity and even help you to relax. 
  • The powerful fragrance triggers peaceful feelings and results in the overall reduction of stress that can lead to hormone imbalances.
  • Inhale sandalwood directly from the bottle, diffuse it at home or apply 2-3 drops to your wrists and bottoms of the feet.
Thyme Oil
  • Thyme oil improves progesterone production.
  • It helps to treat or relieve health issues like infertility, PCOS, menopause, depression, fibroids, hair loss and insomnia.
  • To help balance your hormones naturally, add 2 drops of Thyme oil to a warm water bath or rub 2-3 drops with equal parts coconut oil into your abdomen.

9. Coffee is not your Cup of Tea!
a) Oops Killjoy!  But while a little good quality caffeine is  OK!
b) Most of us overdo it and it has been linked with exacerbating PMS symptom.
c) Too much caffeine can wreak havoc on the endocrine system. Especially if there are other hormone stressors involved, like pregnancy, presence of toxins, beneficial fat imbalance or stress.

10. Better You Relax with A Cup of Green Tea!
You probably already know some of the numerous health benefits of green tea.
a) It boosts metabolism and also contains theanine, a compound which reduces the release of cortisol.
b) It also has antioxidants that reduce inflammation and lower risk of disease.

11. Stop Overeating. Avoid Sugar. Fix your Leptine.
a) Regularly overeating may lead to metabolic issues in the long term.
b) A study in Obesity found that even short-term overeating changes circulating levels of fats and increases oxidative stress.
c) The researchers also point to an increase in ceramides, which are fat cells in the skin, noting that a significant increase may promote insulin resistance.
d) Leptin is a master hormone and if it is out of balance or if you are resistant to it, no other hormones will balance well.
e) Fixing leptin will also help boost fertility, make weight loss easier, improve sleep, and lower inflammation.
f) Eliminating sugar from the diet may help keep levels of hormones, including insulin, in check.

12. Quit Smoking, Tobacco and Alcohol.

Alcohol? Yes, even red wine! Alcohol jacks up estrogen and increases chances of cancer. Tobacco smoke may disrupt levels of several hormones. For example, the smoke may alter thyroid hormone levels, stimulate pituitary hormones, and even raise levels of steroid hormones, such as cortisol, which is linked to stress.

13. Beware of Harmful Chemicals, Medications and Birth Control.
Harmful Chemicals
Harmful chemicals found in pesticides, plastics, household cleaners, and even mattresses can contain hormone disrupting chemicals that mimic hormones in the body and keep the body from producing real hormones. For those with a hormone imbalance or who are struggling to get pregnant, avoiding these unnecessary chemicals is very important.

Birth Control
 Are you taking safe pills? Some medications can disrupt your hormone balance, leading to side effects like fatigue, appetite changes, altered sleeping patterns, low libido, sadness and even depression. Birth control is another dangerous medication that alters hormone levels and causes severe health risks such as:

  • Breakthrough
  • Bleeding between cycles.
  • It increased risk of uterine bleeding.
  • Blood clotting
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Migraines.
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Weight gain
  • Back pains
  • Mood changes
  • Nausea
  • Benign liver tumors
  • Breast tenderness.

The Bottom Line
Consuming nutritious foods, exercising on a regular basis and engaging in other healthy behaviors can go a long way toward improving your hormonal health. 
Eat a diet rich in healthy fats to ensure quality nutrition, but also reduce inflammatory stress responses in the body. Part of this is to eat a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, avoiding processed Carbs and Trans fats especially. If you’re looking forward to a pregnancy, simply make your health a priority practice and wait for the good news!


  1. It's really very informative and will add on your advice to my diet chart and daily living. Thank you, dear!

    1. Dear Reader,
      Thank you! Surely maintain your healthy diet. Always stay fit and healthy. You can write me if you have any queries related to it.

      Please, keep reading me and don't forget to share your feedback.


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