Sunday, June 30, 2019

Keys to Unlock Your Wellness

Post written by Payal Singh.
We, women carry many feelings, emotions, desires but only few of us express ourselves. Most of us keep our concern, worry and fear inside due to not having our proper companionship or positive surroundings to discuss with or even the reason can be something else.
Here, I will exclusively talk about womanhood like woman health, fitness, lifestyle, relationship, fashion, women empowerment and so on. I will hear your problems and will try my best to get you solutions. And even I will tell you few real stories which will probably inspire you to live a healthy and positive life.
You need to remember that doctors won’t make you healthy. Nutritionists won’t make you slim. Teachers won’t make you smart. Gurus won’t make you calm. Mentors won’t make you rich. Trainers won’t make you fit. Ultimately, you have to take responsibility. You have to save yourself.
I am starting with lifestyle because nothing is more important than your health. Whether you’re a woman who just graduated from college and doing a job or a woman over 50, you can use my blogs to find all the advices you need to get fit, earn more, eat fresh, dream and sleep well.

The glow of good health

“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up”. Get up early, be the first one to see your face in the mirror. Indeed, you are beautiful but the reflection of sunlight with vitamin-D on your face makes your smile complete.
Master your mindset and you’ll master your body
Start your day with “OM” and a little bit of exercises or yoga. Frequent and routine exercise everyday will boost your immune system. Also, exercise helps to prevent “diseases of affluence” such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Remember that your physical health can also affect your mental wellness. Physical activity also improves your mental outlook and may prevent anxiety and depression.
How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle?
To live a healthy lifestyle, consistently choose healthy foods. You'll also need to avoid unhealthy habits, like fad dieting and neglecting sleep. Making lifestyle improvements may require some gradual adjustment, but improved health is readily accessible once you commit to it.
Eat a high calorie breakfast! This will decrease your hunger for the rest of the day as well as speed up your metabolism. Make sure you drink a lot of water, and drink a glass before eating, since you will become full faster. Using smaller plates has a psychological effect which decreases the amount of food you eat. Also, try to limit the amount of sugar and empty calories you take in and eat more lean protein which will keep you full longer and less hungry. Teenagers should get between eight and ten hours of sleep each night to be healthy. Explore information from positive psychology and sustainable happiness. Happy people tend to seek out and act on health information so paying attention to your happiness and well-being can help you to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

“He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.” – Chinese Proverb.

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